In Sala Baï, the 134 students remain in the dormitories after the temporary closure of the school on March 22th, following the decision of the Cambodian government.
Whatever are the circumstances, the individual monitoring of every student is always central for the Sala Baï team, even more during closure times. Social workers are supporting students every day, on the psychic and the health sides, and also in regard to the advancement of their professional project.
Physical activities are part of students’ daily life and are used to support them. That is why social workers organize every week many sports activities. In small groups of 10, students can practice a sport and relax during a football or volleyball game. Movies are projected every night and an art contest was organized this week. Stay updated to see their work!
These physical and cultural activities are important for students and social workers who use them to keep in touch with every student. It is the best opportunity for workers to talk with students considering that they now follow all their courses online.