by | May 12, 2020 | Testimonies
Since the students went home to their families on 9 March 2020, the school’s five social workers have continued to follow them regularly and personally. They call them every week to check up on them and their family’s socio-economic and health situation....
by | May 12, 2020 | School life
It has been more than a month and a half since the students of Sala Baï returned home following the temporary closure of schools decreed on 9 March by the Cambodian Prime Minister due to the Covid 19 health crisis. Sala Baï’s teaching team has adapted to this...
by | Jan 27, 2020 | In English, School life
Sala Baï’s curriculum focuses primarily on learning by doing. Due to the low level of education of our students and the short period of training (one year), 70% of the training given at school is carried out either in the restaurant, the hotel and the beauty spa, or...
by | Jan 27, 2020 | Focus on, In English
Assessments performed with partner hotels on the training provided at the school have identified work on self-confidence as one of the areas for improvement. A number of workshops on social skills and theatre have been set up. Renaud Fichet, the school director,...
by | Jan 27, 2020 | In English
At Sala Baï, we didn’t wait until 2020 to make good resolutions. This year, the school has strengthened its longstanding commitment to protecting the environment by implementing eco-responsible measures. Our objective: raise students’ awareness of...
by | Dec 18, 2019 | Event, In English, School life
In 16 years, more than 1500 young under privileged young Cambodians have been trained in the growing hospitality industry, enabling them to achieve economic independence and improve the living conditions of their families. The recruitment of the 150 students of intake...